Welcome to #Chameleon RC3 - #miui

This week we are releasing all the roms except the Defy with a brand new custom Framework. Meaning more speed, and a more stable base for continuing our development.  The new base, means that we are able to port more from stock frameworks, and introduce other features which may have been impossible.

Change Log Defy

Miui base updated to 1.9.2
FM Radio fixed
Network signal improvements
System tweaks with UI

Change Log i897, i9000, i9000b

Miui base updated to 1.9.2
Improvements to network issues
New camera calls within Framework
Samsung Power Management Added
New Custom Framework
Colour and UI Tweaks
New Kernel from Vorbeth
Loads of tweaks within system
And other stuff we can't remember
Removal of Samsung Apps (Seems to be an issue samsung side which needs fixed)

Change Log i9100

Miui Base updated to 1.9.2
Improvements to network issues
New camera calls
New Custom Framework
Colour and UI Tweaks
New Kernel "Xcell" (Credits to cattleprod)
Loads of tweaks within system
and again other stuff we can't remember


In regards to FM Radio on the Samaung devices, there is no ETA on this! We would ask that people stop asking. It will be released when it's possible and not before it..!  The same goes for Stock Camera, TV-Out and anything else STOCK related.

Also we know the data on reboot isn't working and we have explained on the forums why.


Defy: http://www.galnetmiui.co.uk/chameleon/RC3/Chameleon-RC3-Defy.zip
MD5: 2a93ffb325e892fcdf85b64429cd259d
Size: 108MB

i897: http://www.galnetmiui.co.uk/chameleon/RC3/Chameleon-RC3-i897.zip
Size: 123MB

i9000: http://www.galnetmiui.co.uk/chameleon/RC3/Chameleon-RC3-i9000.zip
Size: 123MB

i9000b: http://www.galnetmiui.co.uk/chameleon/RC3/Chameleon-RC3-i9000b.zip
Size: 123MB

i9100: http://www.galnetmiui.co.uk/chameleon/RC3/Chameleon-RC3-i9100.zip
Size: 123MB


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